The WIE Suite Hosts Table For Eight: The Spring Edit
May 27, 2024

The world is waking up to the fact that for women, life gets better after 40, and companies need to pay better attention to our influence, needs and buying power. That’s why we picked "Life After 40" as the theme for our spring Table For Eight dinner series. Members discussed how they’ve evolved as women with more agency; as leaders better at articulating their opinions, needs and vision; and as change-makers who care less about outside expectations.

"The rules of success also change…with age comes perspective. It’s not all about the Benjamins (although they’re still important), pursuing fulfillment has taken a greater role in our lives. So saying no to things and leaving roles when they no longer serve us has become crucial to whom we are." - Danielle Henry

"Many of us are seeking the next step in our careers as well as searching for purpose. Conversations range from people who are taking a break from working altogether right now to others who were feeling stuck to others who were pivoting their careers. Everyone wants to make the 40’s count!" - Roanne Adams


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As always, all our partners were women owned businesses. Thank you to @theculinistas for the female chefs and to @drinkjuliet_ and @gracerosefarm.

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