CEO of Everledger Leanne Kemp on the Global Supply Chain
July 26, 2024

Kemp is committed to exploring innovative technologies like blockchain, AI, machine vision, and smart contracts to drive positive change in traceability, sustainability, and circular economy initiatives.

After a decade in this field, I can confidently say that transparency in global supply chains is no longer optional—it's imperative. We've witnessed how opaque supply chains can conceal serious issues, from conflict diamonds to labor exploitation and environmental damage.

Can you share the critical need for transparency in global supply chains?

After a decade in this field, I can confidently say that transparency in global supply chains is no longer optional—it's imperative. We've witnessed how opaque supply chains can conceal serious issues, from conflict diamonds to labor exploitation and environmental damage.

Recent global events have underscored this need for transparency. The G7 sanctions on Russian diamonds following the Ukraine invasion serve as a prime example. Overnight, the industry faced the challenge of proving their stones weren't funding conflict. This is where Everledger's blockchain technology proves its worth.

We're pioneering digital passports for critical materials across industries. Envision a world where every product carries its own verifiable history—from the cobalt in your smartphone to the cotton in your clothing. That's the future we're actively building.

In the electric vehicle (EV) sector, we've implemented blockchain-based traceability systems for battery supply chains, covering the entire lifecycle from mine to recycling. This comprehensive approach ensures ethical sourcing of critical minerals, enhances sustainability through efficient recycling, aids in regulatory compliance, and provides crucial data on supply chain vulnerabilities.

Our "Battery Passport" for EVs is a dynamic digital identity that evolves throughout the battery's lifespan, facilitating improved recycling and second-life applications. This level of transparency is crucial as we transition to a more sustainable, circular economy.

What do you see is the potential for blockchain technology?

As Everledger's CEO, I'm enthusiastic about blockchain's potential, but I maintain a pragmatic perspective. Blockchain's true strength lies in creating immutable, shared records. While it's not a cure-all, its applications are extensive and transformative.

In the diamond industry, we've leveraged blockchain to track stones from mine to market. But that's just the beginning. Blockchain could play a key role in enforcing international sanctions by creating unbreakable audit trails. In the luxury goods market, it could address the $500 billion counterfeiting problem by creating verifiable digital twins for high-value items.

In the critical minerals and EV battery space, blockchain is enabling us to create transparent, traceable supply chains. This is crucial for ensuring ethical sourcing, enhancing sustainability, and meeting increasing regulatory requirements.

However, it's important to recognize that blockchain is most powerful when integrated with other technologies. At Everledger, we're combining blockchain with AI and IoT to create truly intelligent, transparent supply chains.

Can you share what you've learned from your diverse career background?

My multifaceted background has been instrumental in leading Everledger. The jewelry industry taught me the crucial importance of provenance, insurance showed me the intricacies of risk management, and my experience with emerging technologies provided the toolkit for solving complex problems.

This diverse experience allows me to bridge gaps between traditional industries and cutting-edge technology. When convincing a long-established diamond merchant to adopt blockchain, it's essential to communicate in their language while also illustrating the future potential.

In the critical minerals and EV battery space, this varied background has proven invaluable. Understanding the complexities of mineral extraction, the intricacies of global trade, and the potential of emerging technologies has allowed us to create solutions that address real-world problems in these industries.

Moreover, this diverse background has enabled me to build a global network spanning various sectors. In our work, connections from Silicon Valley to African diamond mines have been crucial in implementing transformative solutions.

What do you think is the key to your success?

If I had to distill it to one principle, it's relentless curiosity coupled with decisive action. In this rapidly evolving field, continuous learning is non-negotiable. I make it a priority to thoroughly explore a new topic each quarter, whether it's the latest developments in AI or emerging market trends.

However, knowledge alone isn't sufficient—you must act on it. When we recognized blockchain's potential for supply chain transparency, we didn't wait for perfect conditions. We took the initiative, learned through experience, and iterated rapidly. This combination of continuous learning and bold action has been key to maintaining our edge in a fast-paced industry.

Who are women you admire?

While there are numerous inspiring women in technology, I'd like to highlight Grace Hopper. As a computer scientist and Navy rear admiral who developed the first compiler, she was a true pioneer. Her work laid the foundation for modern programming languages, and her vision of making computing more accessible aligns closely with our mission at Everledger.

Hopper exemplifies the innovative thinking and boundary-pushing that we strive for in our work at Everledger.

What do you think is the most indispensable professional asset?

Professionally, my global network is indispensable. This industry thrives on connections, and I've cultivated relationships from Silicon Valley to the diamond mines of Africa. These connections aren't merely about business—they're about fostering a community of innovators who can collaboratively address global challenges.

In our work with critical minerals and EV batteries, these global connections have been invaluable. They've enabled us to navigate the complexities of different markets, understand diverse regulatory landscapes, and implement solutions that are effective across various contexts.

What 2024 trends are you excited about?

The convergence of AI, blockchain, and IoT is where we're seeing the most promising developments. We're on the cusp of creating truly intelligent supply chains capable of predicting disruptions, self-correcting, and optimizing in real-time.

Imagine AI analyzing vast amounts of supply chain data, identifying patterns invisible to the human eye. Now, anchor that AI's decisions on a blockchain for transparency and accountability. Finally, connect it all with IoT sensors for real-time, tamper-proof data. This isn't just a trend; it's a revolution in how global trade operates.

In the EV and critical minerals space, this convergence is enabling us to create more efficient, sustainable, and ethical supply chains. We're using AI to predict demand for critical minerals, blockchain to ensure their ethical sourcing, and IoT to track their movement and usage in real-time.

We're also excited about the potential of tokenization, both in AI and physical assets. AI tokens could democratize access to AI capabilities, while tokenizing physical assets like critical minerals could create new models for sustainable resource management.

At Everledger, we're leveraging these trends to pioneer new ways of measuring and reporting environmental and social impact across supply chains. Our sustainability impact reporting platform integrates blockchain, AI, and IoT to provide real-time, verifiable data on a company's environmental and social performance.

We're tracking carbon footprints, measuring social impact, enabling circular economy practices, and aligning corporate actions with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We're even exploring the concept of "impact tokens"—digital assets representing verified positive impact.

The future we're building at Everledger is one where sustainability isn't just an annual report—it's an integral part of every business decision. By combining blockchain's transparency with AI's predictive power and IoT's real-time data, we're creating a new paradigm for corporate responsibility and global trade.

As we build upon the foundations laid by innovators like Grace Hopper, our ambition is nothing less than reimagining global trade for the digital age. We have the tools—blockchain, AI, IoT—and now it's our responsibility to use them wisely, creating a more transparent, efficient, and equitable world. That's the mission that drives me and my team every single day.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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