Becca Parrish, CEO of Becca, On Leadership And Communications
October 27, 2023
Following her new partnership with Prosek, Becca Parrish shares her lessons in leadership.

Deemed the “Chef Whisperer” by W Magazine, Becca Parrish founded her eponymous marketing and creative communications agency in 2004. With offices in New York and Los Angeles, Becca represents a range of cultural changemakers in food & beverage, travel, real estate, consumer products and entertainment. The agency ranks on The Observer’s “Power List” of the 25 most powerful PR firms in the United States and is recognized on Forbes’ list of America’s Best Agencies. For more information, please visit or follow along on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Integrated communications is where the future lies – building relationships that bridge different skill sets, different audiences, different outcomes – so that 1+1 is more than the sum of its parts.

Congratulations! Prosek just acquired a minority stake in your company as you two join together. What did you learn in the process of making such a big move for your business?

There is no rush when it comes to partnership. I turned down various deals over the years, and I sometimes wondered if I’d done the right thing. But I’d said no or the conversation didn't progress for a reason. Aligning with Jen Prosek felt right from the minute I met her. And it was years before we even considered an actual deal. Once I knew I was interested, I basically said yes to anything she invited me to – a client intro, an event, every dinner, The Cure at MSG (duh). We spent a lot of time just getting to know one another. Now that it’s official, we are off to the races – confident and knowledgeable in what each of us brings to the table. It’s already rewarding, fun and super exciting. 

What are your secrets to leadership success?

I’m always learning, but the key ingredients for me are listening, acknowledging the work and contributions of everyone on my team, and giving constructive feedback in real time.

Communications is coming under fire with many CCOs losing their jobs as of late. What do you think is the future of communication professionals in an always-on world?

Integrated communications is where the future lies – building relationships that bridge different skill sets, different audiences, different outcomes – so that 1+1 equals 10. I truly believe that if more women were in more positions of power, we’d see more alliances and less aggression. Women are great communicators. And good communication can change the world. 

What role has mentorship played in your success?

I’ve always gravitated toward the wisdom of age – I enjoy friendships with women and men who’ve lived more than I have, seen more than I have. I’m fearless in asking questions about everything. And about 10 years ago, I decided I needed a “Millennial mentor,” who keeps me on my toes – I’m constantly surprised by what she pays attention to. Next up, Zillennials!

What’s one thing you cannot live without?

Burt's Bees peppermint chapstick. And blueberries. 

What’s one trend you are excited by in 2024?

The appetite for experiences over material things. I sense a greater appreciation globally for food, music, travel – the best stuff in life. I’m grateful to be in an industry that celebrates a delightful human experience.

Who is a woman you admire? 

Jen Prosek, of course. She is brilliant and understated, with a keen eye. And her beverage of choice is beer: cool.  And Lynn Wagenknecht, owner of The Odeon, my very first client (she also owns Cafe Cluny and Cafe Luxembourg). Lynn is industrious, loyal, unflappable. A class act in every way, every day.


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