Many women may not realize that they can cultivate executive presence through a set of simple practices and stop the secret saboteurs that hold them back in business and life. Susan will share proven methods and discuss the hidden language behind the face, body and verbal signals women give that take away their power, and provide ways to begin to change them on the spot.
Susan Harrow is a media trainer, marketing strategist, martial artist + author of the bestselling book Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul® (HarperCollins). For 35 years she’s trained thousands of CEOs, Founders + entrepreneurs for pitch deck presentations, meetings, TV, TEDx, radio, panel, podcast + print interviews to shine in any public appearance or the media spotlight™ from Oprah to Inc., Shark Tank to The Next Iron Chef.
You may know her as the "Go To Girl" for getting on Oprah. What you might not know about her is that she was a corporate HR consultant who assessed over 3000 candidates for their facial, body + verbal language to see if they had the chops for C-Suite positions, has a black belt in Aikido + was recruited by the CIA to be a spy.