Every Leader Must Think Like A Futurist
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Thursday, Jan 18 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
Every Leader Must Think Like A Futurist
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Thursday, Jan 18 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
What if thinking about the future helped you make better plans and decisions today? Chief futurist and business strategist Regan Robinson will show you how to awaken your imagination muscles, challenge your assumptions and kick start your future fitness. In this masterclass, she’ll dive into simple habits and practical techniques that enable you to think about how the future could be different, and empower you to act in the here-and-now with more confidence and optimism.

Regan Robinson believes in the power of possibility. She is a holistic futurist and business strategist that empowers visionarycompanies to turn uncertainty into advantage and effortlessly innovate and strategize for their future. Her resolute mission is torewire our culture and put us on a path of revolutionary transformation and limitless human potential by doing less, not doingmore.Over the course of 20+ years, Regan has helped some of the world’s most influential brands and companies strategize and grow.She has spearheaded revenue increases of 300%+, led as an executive at 3 startups and established business models, newcapabilities, infrastructure and roadmaps for companies and clients like VICE Media, Viacom and Edelman Digital.Amidst a powerhouse career in 2015, Regan’s world took a turn when her mother battled pancreatic cancer. Conversations withtop health experts across the nation revealed a profound truth—our conventional notions of success needed a bold reimagining.She began defining her own work-life philosophy, built on the cornerstones of futures thinking, well-being, imagination andintuition. Ever since, Regan has been applying her simple methodologies to transform the mindsets and foresight capacities ofleaders from Fortune 500’s to progressive startups.In January of 2024, Regan is launching Future Fit, a podcast showcasing how the world’s most forward-thinking leaders focus onlong-term success with an enduring purpose and vision, seize breakthrough opportunities and sustainable growth, while beingresilient in the face of rapid change. She is the creator of Sketching Your Future, a portfolio of done-with-you-experiences helpingbusy C-Suite executives and their teams cultivate long-term strategic advantages and create new possibilities by being future fit.Regan has been featured in Thrive Global, Jennifer Justice’s Takin’ Care of Lady Business and Ross Dawson’s Amplifying Cognitionpodcast, hosts conversations about imagination with pioneering CEOs (such as Luminary founder Cate Luzio), leads fireside chatsat boutique resorts (such as MARRAM in Montauk), and sits on the boards of the award-winning Solento Organic Tequila andGEENIE (a Web 3.0 platform for beauty creators).